Books of Enoch Wiki

The Book of Noah is thought to be a non-extant Old Testament pseudepigraphal work, attributed to Noah. The work is now lost except for excerpts preserved in 1 Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, 21 fragments preserved in Qumran Cave 1,[1] and two large fragments found in Cave 4 that have not yet been published."[2]

1Q19, the so-called "Book of Noah" from Qumran.

Another group of Noah texts associated with ritual instructions of a priestly character is referred to in Jubilees 21:10, there as part of Abraham's instructions to Isaac. This tradition was also known to the author of the Greek "Fragments of the Testament of Levi," undoubtedly a very ancient text, again directly attributed to Noah and included in Abraham's instructions to Isaac (Greek fragment 57), and in a brief form, without the attribution to Noah, in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, Levi 9:11. The Jewish magical book Sefer ha-*Razim is also ascribed to Noah.

Jubilee 10:1–15 is regarded as a medical and anti-demonic work transmitted by Noah to his descendants after the Flood, when, in spite of Noah's intercession, a tenth of the demons were left on earth, causing trouble and affliction. What appears to be another form of this passage is to be found in the opening paragraphs of the medieval medical treatise Sefer Asaf ha-Rofe.


The following is a reconstruction of the Book of Noah from apocrypha fragments


  • 1Q19 1.2
  • 1Q20
  • 1 Enoch 60:7-10:24
  • Chronography of Syncellus

Chapter 1[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 39

[1] And it will come to pass in these days that the chosen and holy children will come down from the high Heavens and their offspring will become one with the sons of men.

[2] In those days Enoch received books of indignation and anger and books of tumult and confusion.

Chapter 2[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 7

[1] And they took wives for themselves and everyone chose for himself one each. And they began to go into them and were promiscuous with them. And they taught them charms and spells, and they showed them the cutting of roots and trees.

[2] And they became pregnant and bore large giants. And their height was three thousand cubits.

[3] These devoured all the toil of men; until men were unable to sustain them.

[4] And the giants turned against them in order to devour men.

[5] And they began to sin against birds, and against animals, and against reptiles, and against fish, and they devoured one another's flesh, and drank the blood from it.

[6] Then the Earth complained about the lawless ones.

Chapter 3[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 8

[1] And Azazel taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields, and breastplates. And he showed them the things after these, and the art of making them; bracelets, and ornaments, and the art of making up the eyes, and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious stones, and all kinds of coloured dyes. And the world was changed.

[2] And there was great impiety, and much fornication, and they went astray, and all their ways became corrupt.

[3] Amezarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots, Armaros the release of spells, and Baraqiel astrologers, and Kokabiel portents, and Tamiel taught astrology, and Asradel taught the path of the Moon.

[4] And at the destruction of men they cried out; and their voices reached Heaven.

Chapter 4[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 9

[1] And then Michael, Gabriel, Suriel and Uriel, looked down from Heaven and saw the mass of blood that was being shed on the earth and all the iniquity that was being done on the earth.

[2] And they said to one another: "Let the devastated Earth cry out with the sound of their cries, up to the Gate of Heaven.

[3] And now to you, Oh Holy Ones of Heaven, the souls of men complain, saying: "Bring our complaint before the Most High."

[4] And they said to their Lord, the King: "Lord of Lords, God of Gods, King of Kings! Your glorious throne endures for all the generations of the world, and blessed and praised!

[5] You have made everything, and power over everything is yours. And everything is uncovered, and open, in front of you, and you see everything, and there is nothing that can be hidden from you.

[6] See then what Azazel has done; how he has taught all iniquity on the earth and revealed the eternal secrets that are made in Heaven.

[7] And Semyaza has made known spells, he to whom you gave authority to rule over those who are with him.

[8] And they went into the daughters of men together, lay with those women, became unclean, and revealed to them these sins.

[9] And the women bore giants, and thereby the whole Earth has been filled with blood and iniquity.

[10] And now behold the souls which have died cry out and complain unto the Gate of Heaven, and their lament has ascended, and they cannot go out in the face of the iniquity which is being committed on the earth.

[11] And you know everything, before it happens, and you know this, and what concerns each of them. But you say nothing to us. What ought we to do with them, about this?"

Chapter 5[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 10

[1] And then the Most High, the Great and Holy One, spoke and sent Arsyalalyur to the son of Lamech, and said to him:

[2] "Say to him in my name; hide yourself! And reveal to him the end, which is coming, because the whole earth will be destroyed. A deluge is about to come on all the earth; and all that is in it will be destroyed.

[3] And now teach him so that he may escape and his offspring may survive for the whole Earth."

[4] And further the Lord said to Raphael: "Bind Azazel by his hands and his feet and throw him into the darkness. And split open the desert, which is in Dudael, and throw him there.

b[5] And throw on him jagged and sharp stones and cover him with darkness. And let him stay there forever. And cover his face so that he may not see the light.

[6] And so that, on the Great Day of Judgment, he may be hurled into the fire.

[7] And restore the Earth which the Angels have ruined. And announce the restoration of the Earth. For I shall restore the Earth so that not all the sons of men shall be destroyed because of the knowledge which the Watchers made known and taught to their sons.

[8] And the whole Earth has been ruined by the teaching of the works of Azazel; and against him write: ALL SIN."

[9] And the Lord said to Gabriel: “Proceed against the bastards, and the reprobates, and against the sons of the fornicators. And destroy the sons of the fornicators, and the sons of the Watchers, from amongst men. And send them out, and send them against one another, and let them destroy themselves in battle; for they will not have length of days.

[10] And they will petition you, but the petitioners will gain nothing in respect of them, for they hope for eternal life, and that each of them will live life for five hundred years."

[11] And the Lord said to Michael: "Go, inform Semyaza, and the others with him, who have associated with the women to corrupt themselves with them in all their uncleanness.

[12] When all their sons kill each other, and when they see the destruction of their loved ones, bind them for seventy generations, under the hills of the earth, until the day of their judgment and of their consummation, until the judgment, which is for all eternity, is accomplished.

[13] And in those days, they will lead them to the Abyss of Fire; in torment, and in prison they will be shut up for all eternity.

[14] And then Semyaza will be burnt, and from then on destroyed with them; together they will be bound until the end of all generations.

[15] And destroy all the souls of lust, and the sons of the Watchers, for they have wronged men.

[16] Destroy all wrong from the face of the Earth and every evil work will cease.

[17] And now all the righteous will be humble, and will live until they beget thousands. And all the days of their youth, and their sabbaths, they will fulfill in peace.

[18] And in those days the whole earth will be tilled in righteousness and all of it will be planted with trees; and it will be filled with blessing.

[19] And all the pleasant trees they will plant on it and they will plant on it vines. And the vine that is planted on it will produce fruit in abundance; and every seed that is sown on it, each measure will produce a thousand, and each measure of olives will produce ten baths of oil.

[20] And you cleanse the Earth from all wrong, and from all iniquity, and from all sin, and from all impiety, and from all the uncleanness which is brought about on the earth.

[21] And all the sons of men shall be righteous, and all the nations shall serve and bless me and all shall worship me.

[22] And the Earth will be cleansed from all corruption, and from all sin, and from all wrath, and from all torment; and I will not again send a flood upon it, for all generations, forever.

Chapter 6[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 11

[1] And in those days, I will open the Storehouses of Blessing, which are in Heaven, so that I may send them down upon the Earth, upon the work, and upon the toil, of the sons of men.

[2] Peace and truth will be united, for all the days of eternity, and for all the generations of eternity.

Chapter 7[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 60:7

[7] And on that day two monsters will be separated from one another, a female monster whose name is Leviathan, to dwell in the depths of the sea, above the springs of the waters.

[8] And the name of the male is Behemoth who occupies with his breast an immense desert named Dendayn on the east of the Garden where the chosen and the righteous dwell. Where my great-grandfather was received, who was seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord of Spirits made.

[9] And I asked that other Angel to show me the power of those monsters, how they were separated on one day, and thrown, one into the depths of the sea and the other on to the dry ground of the desert.

[10] And he said to me: “Son of man, you here wish to know what is secret.”

[11] And the other Angel spoke to me, the one who went with me and showed me what is secret; what is first and last in Heaven, in the heights, and under the dry ground, in the depths, and at the Ends of Heaven, and at the Foundations of Heaven, and in the Storehouses of the Winds.

[12] And how the spirits are distributed, and how they are weighed. And how the springs, and the winds, are counted according to the power of their spirit. And the power of the light of the Moon. And the divisions of the stars according to their names. And how all the divisions are made.

[13] And the thunder - according to the places were it falls. And all the divisions that are made in lightning - so that it may flash. And its hosts - how they quickly obey.

[14] For the thunder have fixed intervals, which have been given to its sound, for waiting. And the thunder and the lightning are not separate although not the same. Through a spirit the two of them move inseparably.

[15] For when the lightning flashes the thunder utters its voice, and the spirit, at the proper time, causes it to rest, and divides equally between them because the storehouse of the times for their occurrence is like that of the sand. And each of them, at the proper time, is held by a rein, and turned back by the power of the spirit, and likewise driven forward, according to the number of the regions of the Earth.

[16] And the spirit of the sea is male and strong, and according to the power of its strength, the spirit turns it back with a rein, and likewise it is driven forward, and scattered amongst all the mountains of the Earth.

[17] And the spirit of the hoarfrost is its own Angel; and the spirit of the hail, is a good Angel.

[18] And the spirit of the snow has withdrawn because of its power, and it has a special spirit, and that which rises from it is like smoke and its name is frost.

[19] And the spirit of the mist is not associated with them in their storehouse but has a special storehouse; for its course is glorious both in light and darkness, and in winter and in summer, and its storehouse is an Angel.

[20] The spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of Heaven and is connected with the storehouses of the rain. And its course is in winter and in summer and its clouds. And the clouds of the mist are associated and one gives to the other.

[21] And when the spirit of the rain moves from its storehouse the Angels come and open the storehouse and bring it out. And when it is scattered over all the dry ground it joins with all the water that is on the dry ground. And whenever it joins with the water that is on the dry ground.(.…..)

[22] For the waters are for those who dwell upon the dry ground, for they are nourishment for the dry ground, from the Most High who is in Heaven. Therefore there is a fixed measure for the rain and the Angels comprehend it.

[23] All these things, I saw towards the Garden of Righteousness.

[24] And the Angel of Peace who was with me, said to me: “These two monsters, prepared in accordance with the greatness of the Lord, will feed them that Punishment of the Lord. And children will be killed with their mothers and sons with their fathers.


Compiled from:

  • 1 Enoch 106-107
  • 1QapGn Columns 1-5
  • 6Q8 1
  • 1Q19 3-11

Chapter 12[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 106:1-3

[1] (v.1) And after those days my son Methuselah chose a wife for his son Lamech and she became pregnant by him and bore a son.

[2] (v.2) And his body was white like snow, and red like the flower of a rose, and the hair of his head was white like wool. And his eyes were beautiful and when he opened his eyes he made the whole house bright, like the Sun, so that the whole house was exceptionally bright.

[3] (v.3) And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife he opened his mouth and spoke to the Lord of Righteousness.

Fragment from 1QapGen Col. 2

[4] (Line 1) Then suddenly it occurred to [Lamech] that the conception was from Watchers, and the seed from Holy Ones, and of Nephilin.

[5] (Line 2) And [his] mind wavered concerning this infant.

[6] (Lines 3-7) I, Lamech, was upset, so I approached Batenosh my wife and said to her: "I bear witness by the Most High, by the Mighty Lord, by the King of all Ages, [that this is one of] the sons of Heaven, [and] that you must truthfully recount everything for me, without lies. The son (born) from you is unique."

[7] (Lines 8-10) Then Batenosh my wife spoke with me very harshly, and wept and she said: "O my brother and my husband, you yourself should remember my pleasure… in the heat of the moment, and my panting breath! Now I [am telling] you everything truthfully [and] entirely." [11] Then my mind wavered greatly within me.

[8] (Line 12) And when Batenosh my wife saw that my demeanor had changed because of [my] anger

[9] (Line 13) Then she controlled her emotions and continued speaking with me.

[10] (Lines 14-18) She was saying to me, "O my husband and my brother, my pleasure. I swear to you by the Great Holy One, by the King of Heaven that this seed is from you, and from you this conception, and from you the planting of [this] fruit and not from any stranger, nor from any of the Watchers, nor from any of the sons of Heaven. Why is the appearance of your face changed and contorted like this, and your spirit upon you like this? I am speaking truthfully with you."

(1QapGen Column 5: Line 29) A copy of the book of the words of Noah

Fragment from 1 Enoch 106: 4-19

[11] (v.4) And his father Lamech was afraid of him, and fled, and went to his father Methuselah.

[12] (v.5) And he said to him: "I have begotten a strange son; he is not like a man but is like the children of the Angels of Heaven, of a different type and not like us. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun and his face glorious.

[13] (v.6) And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the Angels and I am afraid that something extraordinary may be done on the earth in his days.

[14] (v.7) And now, my father, I am entreating you and petitioning you, to go to our father Enoch, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling is with the Angels."

[15] (v.8) And when Methuselah heard the words of his son he came to me, at the ends of the Earth, [the land of Parvain (1QapGen 2:23)] for he had heard that I was there. And he cried out, and I heard his voice and went to him. And I said to him: "Behold I am here my son, for you have come to me."

[16] (v.9) And he answered me, and said: "Because of a great matter I have come to you, and because of a disturbing vision, have I come near.

[17] (v.10) And now hear me, my father, for a child has been born to my son Lamech, whose form and type are not like the type of a man. His colour is whiter than snow, and redder than the flower of the rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun; and he opened his eyes and made the whole house bright.

[18] (v.11) And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and he opened his mouth, and blessed the Lord of Heaven.

[19] (v.12) And his father Lamech was afraid and fled to me. And he does not believe he is sprung from him but thinks him to be from the Angels of Heaven. And behold, I have come to you, so that you may make known to me the truth."

[20] (v.13) And I, Enoch, answered and said to him: "The Lord will do new things on Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and made known to you. For in the generation of my father, Jared, some from the height of Heaven transgressed the word of the Lord.

[21] (v.14) And behold, they commit sin and transgress the law, and have been promiscuous with women, and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begotten children by them.

[22] (v.15) And there will be great destruction over the whole Earth, and there will be a deluge, and there will be great destruction for one year.

[23] (v.16) But this child, who has been born to you, will be left on the Earth, and his three sons will be saved with him. When all the men who are on the Earth die he and his sons will be saved.

[24] (v.17) They will beget on the Earth giants, not of spirit, but of flesh, and there will be great wrath on Earth, and the Earth will be cleansed of all corruption.

[25] (v.18) And now make known to your son Lamech that the one who has been born is truly his son. And call his name Noah, for he will be a remnant for you and he and his sons will be saved from the destruction which is coming on the earth because of all the sin and all the iniquity, which will be committed on the Earth in his days.

[26] (v.19) But after this, there will be yet greater iniquity than that which was committed on the earth before. For I know the mysteries of the Holy Ones, for the Lord showed them to me and made them known to me, and I read them in the Tablets of Heaven.

Fragment from 1 Enoch 107

[27] (v.1) And I saw written on them, that generation upon generation will do wrong, until a generation of righteousness shall arise, and wrongdoing shall be destroyed, and sin shall depart from the earth, and everything good shall come upon it.

[28] (v.2) And now, my son, go, make known to your son Lamech, that this child that has been born, is truly his son, and this is no lie.

[29] (v.3) And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch - for he showed him everything which is secret - he returned, having seen him, and called the name of that child Noah; for he will comfort the Earth after all the destruction.

Chapter 13[]

Fragment from 1 QapGn Column 6

(Line 1) Through the uterus of she who bore me I burst forth for uprightness, and when I emerged from my mother’s womb I was planted for righteousness.

(Lines 2-3) All of my days I conducted myself uprightly, continually walking in the paths of everlasting truth. For [the] Holy One had instructed me to walk in the ways of the paths of truth and to keep myself away from the highway of deceit, which lead to everlasting darkness.

(Lines 4-5) So I girded my loins in the vision of truth and wisdom, in the robe of supplication.

(Line 6) Then I, Noah, became a grown man. I held fast to righteousness and strengthened myself in wisdom.

(Lines 7-9) [ ]… I went and took Emzera his daughter as my wife. She conceived by way of me and gave birth to three sons, [and daughters.] Then I took wives for my sons from among the daughters of my brothers, and gave my daughters to the sons of my brothers according to the custom of the eternal statute, which the Lord of Eternity gave to humanity.

(Lines 10-11) In my days, when there were completed for me, according to the calculation by which I reckoned, ten jubilees. Then the time of my sons taking women for themselves in marriage came to a close, and the Lord of Heaven [appeared to me] in a vision. I looked and was shown and informed about the conduct of sons of Heaven,

(Line 12) I hid this mystery within my heart, and did not make it known to anyone.

(Lines 13-14) And the great Watcher on an errand to me, and by an emissary of the great Holy One to me, he revealed, and he spoke with me in a vision. He stood before me and loudly proclaimed, "To you, O Noah …[ ]"

(Line 15) And from an emissary of the great Holy One to me I was hearing a voice, "They are speaking to you, O Noah, …[ ]"

(Lines 16-17) So I considered all the behavior of the sons of the earth. I understood and saw all of [ ] they would succeed, and they chose among them …[ ]

(Line 18-19) [ ]… two weeks. Then was sealed up… bearing witness to the blood that the Nephilin had poured out. I was silent, and waited until …[ ]

(Line 20-22) [ ]… holy ones, who with the daughters of men [were] making (it) unclean by the divinatory arts. And I approached [one] of them and he said, "To you…[ ] and examining …[ ]"

(Line 23) But I, Noah, found grace, prominence, and righteousness in the eyes of the Lord.

(Line 24) [ ]… the eternal people, and the blood of jealousy the Most High, who …[ ]

(Line 25) [ ]… unto the gates of heaven, which the King of all Ages …[ ]

(Line 26) [ ]… to humans and cattle and wild animals and birds and …[ ]

(Line 27) [ ]… the entire deed, and every …[ ]

End Column 6


Compiled from:

  • Jubilees 7:20; 20:7; 21:5-10; 7:21-39*
  • 1 QapGn Col. 6
  • 1 Enoch 10:1-3

'Chapter 14[]

Fragment from Jubilees 7:20

[1] (7:20) And in the twenty-eighth jubilee [1324-1372 A.M.] Noah began to enjoin upon his sons' sons the ordinances and commandments, and all the judgments that he knew, and he exhorted his sons to observe righteousness, and to cover the shame of their flesh, and to bless their Creator, and honour father and mother, and love their neighbour, and guard their souls from fornication and uncleanness and all iniquity.

Fragment from Jubilees 20:7

[2] (20:7) I implore you, my sons, love the God of heaven And cleave ye to all His commandments.

Fragment from Jubilees 21:5-10

[3] (5) And walk not after the abominations and after the graven images and after the molten images.

[4] (6) And eat no blood at all of animals or cattle, or of any bird which flies in the heaven.

[5] (7) And if thou dost slay a victim as an acceptable peace offering, slay ye it, and pour out its blood upon the altar, and all the fat of the offering offer on the altar with fine flour and the meat offering mingled with oil, with its drink offering -offer them all together on the altar of burnt offering; it is a sweet savour before the Lord.

[6] (8) And thou wilt offer the fat of the sacrifice of thank offerings on the fire which is upon the altar, and the fat which is on the belly, and all the fat on the inwards and the two kidneys, and all the fat that is upon them, and upon the loins and liver thou shalt remove, together with the kidneys.

[7] (9) And offer all these for a sweet savour acceptable before the Lord, with its meat-offering and with its drink- offering, for a sweet savour, the bread of the offering unto the Lord.

[8] (10.a) And eat its meat on that day and on the second day, and let not the sun on the second day go down upon it till it is eaten, and let nothing be left over for the third day; for it is not acceptable [for it is not approved] and let it no longer be eaten, and all who eat thereof will bring sin upon themselves;

(10.b) for thus I have found it written in the books of my forefathers, and in the words of Enoch, and in the words of Noah.

Fragment from Jubilees 7:21-39

[9] (21) For owing to these [three] things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication wherein the Watchers against the law of their ordinances went a whoring after the daughters of men, and took themselves wives of all which they chose:

[10] (22) and they made the beginning of uncleanness. And they begat sons the Naphidim, and they were all unlike, and they devoured one another:

[11] (23) and the Giants slew the Naphil, and the Naphil slew the Eljo, and the Eljo mankind, and one man another.

[12] (24) And every one sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood, and the earth was filled with iniquity. And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds, and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much blood was shed on the earth, and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.

[13] (25) And the Lord destroyed everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything.

[14] (26) 'And we were left, I and you, my sons, and everything that entered with us into the ark, and behold I see your works before me that ye do not walk in righteousness: for in the path of destruction ye have begun to walk, and ye are parting one from another, and are envious one of another, and (so it comes) that ye are not in harmony, my sons, each with his brother.

[15] (27) For I see, and behold the demons have begun (their) seductions against you and against your children and now I fear on your behalf, that after my death ye will shed the blood of men upon the earth, and that ye, too, will be destroyed from the face of the earth.

[16] (28) For who so sheddeth man's blood, and whoso eateth the blood of any flesh, shall all be destroyed from the earth.

[17] (29) And there shall not be left any man that eateth blood, or that sheddeth the blood of man on the earth, Nor shall there be left to him any seed or descendants living under heaven; For into Sheol shall they go, And into the place of condemnation shall they descend, And into the darkness of the deep shall they all be removed by a violent death.

[18] (30) There shall be no blood seen upon you of all the blood there shall be all the days in which ye have killed any beasts or cattle or whatever flies upon the earth, and work ye a good work to your souls by covering that which has been shed on the face of the earth.

[19] (31) And ye shall not be like him who eats with blood, but guard yourselves that none may eat blood before you: cover the blood, for thus have I been commanded to testify to you and your children, together with all flesh.

[20] (32) And suffer not the soul to be eaten with the flesh, that your blood, which is your life, may not be required at the hand of any flesh that sheds (it) on the earth.

[21] (33) For the earth will not be clean from the blood which has been shed upon it; for (only) through the blood of him that shed it will the earth be purified throughout all its generations.

[22] (34) And now, my children, harken: work judgment and righteousness that ye maybe planted in righteousness over the face of the whole earth, and your glory lifted up before my God, who saved me from the waters of the flood.

[23] (35) And behold, ye will go and build for yourselves cities, and plant in them all the plants that are upon the earth, and moreover all fruit-bearing trees.

[24] (36) For three years the fruit of everything that is eaten will not be gathered: and in the fourth year its fruit will be accounted holy [and they will offer the first-fruits], acceptable before the Most High God, who created heaven and earth and all things. Let them offer in abundance the first of the wine and oil (as) first-fruits on the altar of the Lord, who receives it, and what is left let the servants of the house of the Lord eat before the altar which receives (it).

[25] (37) And in the fifth year make ye the release so that ye release it in righteousness and uprightness, and ye shall bc righteous, and all that you plant shall prosper.

[26] (38) For thus did Enoch, the father of your father command Methuselah, his son, and Methuselah his son Lamech, and Lamech commanded me all the things which his fathers commanded him.

[27] (39) And I also will give you commandment, my sons, as Enoch commanded his son in the first jubilees: whilst still living, the seventh in his generation, he commanded and testified to his son and to his son's sons until the day of his death.'

Chapter 54[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 54

[7] And in those days, the punishment of the Lord of Spirits will go out, and all the storehouses of the waters which are above the sky and under the earth, will be opened.

[8] And all the waters will be joined with the waters that are above the sky. The water that is above the sky is male and the water that is under the Earth is female.

[9] And all those who dwell upon the dry ground, and those who dwell under the ends of Heaven, will be wiped out.

[10] And because of this they will acknowledge their iniquity which they have committed on the Earth and through this they will be destroyed."

Chapter 55[]

Fragment from 1 Enoch 55

[1] And after this, the Head of Days repented, and said: "I have destroyed to no purpose all those who dwell upon the dry ground."

[2] And he swore by His Great Name: "From now on I will not act like this towards all those who dwell upon the dry ground. And I will put a sign in Heaven, and it will be a pledge of faith between me and them forever, so long as Heaven is above the Earth.

Chapter 65[]

Fragment of 1 Enoch 65

[1] And in those days, Noah saw the Earth had tilted and that its destruction was near.

[2] And he set off from there and went to the ends of the Earth and cried out to his great-grandfather Enoch; and Noah said three times in a bitter voice: "Hear me, hear me, hear me!"

[3] And he said to him: "Tell me, what is it that is being done on the Earth, that the Earth is so afflicted and shaken, lest I be destroyed with it!"

[4] And immediately there was a great disturbance on the Earth and a voice was heard from Heaven and I fell upon my face.

[5] And my great-grandfather Enoch came, stood by me, and said to me: "Why did you cry out to me, with such bitter crying and weeping?

[6] And a command has gone out from the Lord against those who dwell upon the dry ground that this must be their end. For they have learnt all the secrets of the Angels, and all the wrongdoings of the satans, and all their secret power, and all the power of those who practice magic arts, and the power of enchantments, and the power of those who cast molten images for all the Earth.

[7] And further, how silver is produced from the dust of the earth and how soft metal occurs on the earth.

[8] For lead and tin are not produced from the earth, like the former; there is a spring which produces them, and an Angel who stands in it, and that Angel distributes them."

[9] And after this, my great-grandfather Enoch took hold of me with his hand, and raised me, and said to me: "Go, for I have asked the Lord of Spirits about this disturbance on the earth."

[10] And he said to me: “Because of their iniquity, their judgment has been completed, and they will no longer be counted before me; because of the sorceries they have searched out and learnt, the Earth and those who dwell upon it will be destroyed.

[11] And for these, there will be no place of refuge, for ever, for they showed to them what is secret, and they have been condemned; but not so for you, my son; the Lord of Spirits knows that you are pure and innocent of this reproach concerning the secrets.

[12] And he has established your name among the Holy, and will keep you from amongst those who dwell upon the dry ground; and he has destined your offspring in righteousness, to be kings, and for great honours. And from your offspring will flow out a spring of the Righteous and Holy, without number forever.”

Chapter 66[]

Fragment of 1 Enoch 66

[1] And after this, he showed me the Angels of Punishment, who were ready to come and release all the forces of the water, which is under the earth, in order to bring judgment and destruction on all those who reside and dwell upon the dry ground.

[2] And the Lord of Spirits commanded the Angels who were coming out, not to raise their hands, but to keep watch; for those Angels were in charge of the forces of the waters.

[3] And I came out from before Enoch.

Chapter 67[]

Fragment of 1 Enoch 67

[1] And in those days, the word of the Lord came to me, and he said to me: "Noah, behold; your lot has come up before me, a lot without reproach, a lot of love and uprightness.

[2] And now the Angels are making a wooden structure, and when the Angels come out from that task, I will put my hand on it, and keep it safe. And a change shall take place so that the dry ground may not remain empty.

[3] And I will establish your offspring before me, forever and ever, and I will scatter those who dwell with you, over the face of the dry ground. I will not again put them to the test, on the face of the Earth, but they will be blessed and increase on the dry ground in the name of the Lord."

[4] And they will shut up those Angels, who showed iniquity, in that burning valley, which my great-grandfather Enoch had shown to me previously, in the west, near the mountains of gold and silver and iron and soft metal and tin.

[5] And I saw that valley, in which there was a great disturbance, and a heaving of the waters.

[6] And when all this happened, from the fiery molten metal, and the disturbance, which disturbed the waters in that place, a smell of sulphur was produced, and it was associated with those waters. And that valley of the Angels, who led men astray, burns under the ground.

[7] And through the valleys of that same area, flow out rivers of fire where those Angels will be punished, who led astray those on the dry ground.

[8] And in those days, those waters will serve the kings, and the mighty, and the exalted, and those who dwell upon dry ground, for the healing of soul and body, but also for the punishment of the spirit. And their spirits are so full of lust that they will be punished in their bodies, for they denied the Lord of Spirits. And they see their punishment every day yet they do not believe in His Name.

[9] And the more their bodies are burnt, the more a change will come over their spirits, for ever and ever; for no one can speak an idle word in front of the Lord of Spirits.

[10] For judgment will come upon them, for they believe in the lust of their bodies, but deny the spirit of the Lord.

[11] And those same waters will undergo a change in those days; for when those Angels are punished in those days, the temperature of those springs of water will change, and when the Angels come up, that water of the springs will change, and become cold.

[12] And I heard the Holy Michael answering and saying: "This judgment, with which the Angels are judged, is a testimony for the kings and the mighty who possess the dry ground.

[13] For these waters of judgment serve for the healing of the bodies of the kings, and for the lust of their bodies; but they do not see, and do not believe, that these waters will change, and will become a fire which burns forever."

Chapter 68[]

Fragment of 1 Enoch 68

[1] And after this, my great-grandfather Enoch gave me the explanation of all the secrets, in a book, and the parables that had been given to him; and he put them together for me, in the words of the Book of Parables.

[2] And on that day the Holy Michael answered Raphael, saying: “The power of the spirit seizes me and makes me tremble because of the harshness of the judgment of the Angels. Who can endure the harshness of the judgment which has been executed and before which they melt with fear?”

[3] And the Holy Michael answered Raphael again, and said to him: “Who would not soften his heart over it, and whose mind would not be disturbed by this word? Judgment has gone out against them, upon those whom they have led out like this.”

[4] But it came to pass, when he stood before the Lord of Spirits, that the Holy Michael spoke as follows to Raphael: “I will not take their part under the eye of the Lord, for the Lord of Spirits is angry with them, because they act as if they were the Lord.

[5] Because of this the hidden judgment will come upon them for ever and ever; for neither any other Angel, nor any man, will receive their lot, but they alone have received their judgment for ever and ever.

Chapter 69[]

Fragment of 1 Enoch 69

[1] And after this judgment I will terrify them, and make them tremble, for they have shown this to those who dwell upon the dry ground.”

[2] And behold, the names of those Angels: - The first of them is Semyaza (Azza), and the second Artaqifa, and the third Armen, and the fourth Kokabiel, and the fifth Turiel, and the sixth Ramiel, and the seventh Daniel, and the eighth Nuqael, and the ninth Baraqiel, and the tenth Azazel, and the eleventh Armaros, the twelfth Batriel, the thirteenth Basasael, the fourteenth Ananel, the fifteenth Turiel, the sixteenth Samsiel, the seventeenth Yetarel, the eighteenth Tumiel, the nineteenth Turiel, the twentieth Rumiel, the twenty-first Azazel.

[3] And these are the chiefs of their Angels, and the names of the leaders of hundreds, and their leaders of fifties, and their leaders of tens.

[4] The name of the first is Yequn; this is the one who led astray all the children of the Holy Angels, and he brought them down onto the dry ground, and led them astray through the daughters of men.

[5] And the name of the second is Asbeel; this one suggested an evil plan to the children of the Holy Angels, and led them astray, so that they corrupted their bodies with the daughters of men.

[6] And the name of the third is Gadreel; this is the one that showed all the deadly blows to the sons of men. And he led astray Eve. And he showed the weapons of death to the children of men, the shield and the breastplate, and the sword for slaughter, and all the weapons of death to the sons of men.

[7] And from his hand they have gone out against those who dwell the dry ground from that time and forever and ever.

[8] And the name of the fourth is Penemue; this one showed the sons of men the bitter and the sweet and showed them all the secrets of their wisdom.

[9] He taught men the art of writing with ink and paper, and through this many have gone astray, from eternity to eternity, and to this day.

[10] For men were not created for this, that they should confirm their faith like this, with pen and ink.

[11] For men were created no differently from the Angels, so that they might remain righteous and pure, and death, which destroys everything, would not have touched them; but through this knowledge of theirs they are being destroyed and through this power death consumes them.

[12] And the name of the fifth is Kasdeyae; this one showed the sons of men all the evil blows of the spirits and of the demons, and the blows that attack the embryo in the womb so that it miscarries. And the blows that attack the soul: the bite of the serpent. And the blows that occur at midday, and the son of the serpent - who is strong.

[13] And this is the task of Kesbeel, the chief of the oath, who showed the oath to the Holy ones when he dwelt on high in glory. And his name is Beqa.

[14] And this one told the Holy Michael that he should show him the secret name so that they might mention it in the oath, so that those, who showed the sons of men everything that is secret, trembled before that name and oath.

[15] And this is the power of this oath, for it is powerful and strong, and he placed this oath, Akae, in the charge of the Holy Michael.

[16] And these are the secrets of this oath, and they are strong through this oath, and Heaven was suspended, before the world was created, and forever.

[17] And through it the earth was founded upon the water, and from the hidden recesses of the mountains come beautiful waters, from the creation of the world and for ever.

[18] And through that oath the sea was created, and as its foundation, for the time of anger, he placed for it the sand, and it does not go beyond it, from the creation of the world and for ever.

[19] And through that oath the deeps were made firm, and they stand and do not move from their place, from the creation of the world and for ever.

[20] And through that oath the Sun and the Moon complete their course and do not transgress their command, from the creation of the world and for ever.

[21] And through that oath the stars complete their course, and he calls their names, and they answer him, from the creation of the world and for ever.

[22] And likewise the spirits of the water, of the winds, and of all the breezes, and their paths, according to all the groups of the spirits.

[23] And there are kept the storehouses of the sound of thunder, and of the light of the lightning; and there are kept the storehouses of the hail, and the hoarfrost, and the storehouses of the mist, and the storehouses of the rain and dew.

[24] And all these make their confession and give thanks in front of the Lord of Spirits and sing praises with all their power. And their food consists of all their thanksgiving and they give thanks, praise, and exalt, in the name of the Lord of Spirits, forever and ever.

[25] And this oath is strong over them and through it they are kept safe and their courses are not disturbed.


Jubilees 5:24-28
1 QapGn Columns 7-9


1 QapGn Columns 10-15
Jubilees 6:2-4
Jubilees 6:10-14
Jubilees 7:23-37
Testament of Levi Mount Athos

Chapter 10[]

Fragment from Jubilees 6:2-4

[1] (v.2) And he [Noah] made atonement for the earth, and took a kid and made atonement by its blood for all the guilt of the earth; for everything that had been on it had been destroyed, save those that were in the ark with Noah.

[2] (v.3) And he placed the fat thereof on the altar, and he took an ox, and a goat, and a sheep and kids, and salt, and a turtle-dove, and the young of a dove, and placed a burnt sacrifice on the altar, and poured thereon an offering mingled with oil, and sprinkled wine and strewed frankincense over everything, and caused a goodly savour to arise, acceptable before the Lord.

[3] (v.4) And the Lord smelt the goodly savour, and He made a covenant with him that there should not be any more a flood to destroy the earth; that all the days of the earth seed-time and harvest should never cease; cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night should not change their order, nor cease for ever.

Fragment from 1 QapGn Column 10

[4] (Lines 1-7) Then I blessed the Lord of All, who [ ] kept safe…[ ]

[5] (Lines 8-10) Now (you all) go and give praise and glory, for the Creator [ ] and listen to [ ] all of you to your Lord, and to the King of all Ages forever and ever, unto all ages.

[6] (Lines 11-14) [ ]… the ark rested on one of the mountains of Ararat, and the eternal fire [ ] and I atoned for all the earth in its entirety. To begin, the [he-goat] was placed upon [ ] first, and after it came upon [ ] and I burned the fat upon the fire. Second, …[ ]

[7] (Lines 15-16) Then [ ] all of their blood to the base of the altar and I poured it out, and all of their flesh I burned upon the altar. Third, I offered the young turtledoves with them upon the altar; their blood and all (of the rest) of them upon it. I placed fine wheat flour, mixed together with oil containing incense, for their meal-offerings.

[8] (Lines 17-35) [ ]… I said a blessing, and was putting salt on all of them, and the scent of my offering rose up to the heavens. [ ] Then the Most High blessed …[ ]

Ends column 10

Chapter 11[]

Jubilees 6:10-12, 14a

[1] (v.10) And Noah and his sons swore that they would not eat any blood that was in any flesh, and he made a covenant before the Lord God for ever throughout all the generations of the earth in this month.

[2] (v.11) On this account He spake to thee that thou shouldst make a covenant with the children of Israel in this month upon the mountain with an oath, and that thou shouldst sprinkle blood upon them because of all the words of the covenant, which the Lord made with them for ever.

[3] (v.12) And this testimony is written concerning you that you should observe it continually, so that you should not eat on any day any blood of beasts or birds or cattle during all the days of the earth, and the man who eats the blood of beast or of cattle or of birds during all the days of the earth, he and his seed shall be rooted out of the land.

[4] (v.14a) And for this law there is no limit of days, for it is for ever.

Fragment from 1 QapGn Column 11

[5] (Line 1) Now I, Noah, was at the door of the ark the springs receded …[ ]

[6] (Lines 2-10) [ ]… And my son [ ] their sons [ ] and all of them [ ] the mountains and the wildernesses, the hinterlands and the coastlands, all [ ] four.

[7] (Lines 11-14) Then I, Noah, went out and walked throughout the land, through its length and through its breadth, [ ] ; rejuvenation in their leaves and in their fruit. The entire land was full of grass, herbs, and grain. Then I blessed the Lord of Heaven, whose praise endures forever, and to whom (be) the glory! Once again I blessed the one who had compassion on the land, and who removed and obliterated from it all those doing violence and wickedness and deceit, but rescued the righteous man [ ] one, and he obtained all for his sake.

[8] (Line 15) And [ ] appeared to me from heaven, speaking with me and saying to me, “Do not fear, O Noah! I am with you and with those of your sons who will be like you forever.

[9] (Lines 16-35) [ ]… be fruitful and multiply, and fill the land. Rule over all of all of them; over its seas and over its wildernesses, over its mountains and over everything that is in them. I am now giving everything to you and to your sons for food; that of the vegetation and herbs of the land. But all blood you shall not eat. The awe and fear of you [ ] forever. He said to [ ] I am for you [ ] through years [ ] your children …[ ].

Ends column 11

Chapter 12[]

Fragment from 1 QapGn Column 12

[1] (Lines 1-6) [ ]… I have now placed my bow [in a cloud], and it has become a sign for me [ ].

[2] (Lines 7-9) [ ]… my son [ ] on the mountains of Ararat. After this, I went down to the base of this mountain, my sons and I, and we built cities [ ] for the devastation on the land was great. Then sons and daughters were born to my sons after the flood.

[3] (Line 10) To my oldest son Shem was born first a son, Arpachshad, two years after the flood. And all the sons of Shem, all together, were Elam and Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram, as well as five daughters.

[4] (Line 11) And the sons of Ham (were) Cush, Mitzrain, Put, and Canaan, as well as seven daughters.

[5] (Line 12) And the sons of Japheth (were) Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras, as well as four daughters.

[6] (Line 13) Then I, along with all of my sons, began to cultivate the earth. I planted a great vineyard on Mount Lubar, and in four years it produced abundant wine for me, and I brought forth all of the wine.

[7] (Lines 14-16) When the first feast came, on day one of the first feast, which is in the [first] month, [ ] in my vineyard, and in the midst of my vineyard I opened this vessel, and began to drink from it on the first day of the fifth year after the planting of the vineyard. On that day I called together my sons, my grandsons, and all of our wives and their daughters.

[8] (Line 17) We gathered together and went [ ] the altar. I was blessing the Lord of Heaven, the Most High God, the great Holy One, who saved us from the destruction …[ ]

[9] (Lines 18-35) [ ]…, and for all [ ] his [ ], which my fathers hid and [ ] until [ ] beautiful [ ] by my righteousness. And I lay down upon my bed, and the wine [ ] pure [ ] I stirred …[ ]

Ends column 12

Chapter 13[]

Fragment from 1 QapGn Column 13

[1] (Lines 1-7) [ ]… and to you [ ] the king, [ ] and the decree [ ] to all …[ ]

[2] (Lines 8-10a) [ ]…the wood [ ] the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, the cattle of the land, and the creeping things of the dry ground going [ ] the stones, and the clay objects (they) were chopping, taking of it for themselves. As I continued watching, the gold, the silver, the [ ], the iron, and all of the trees (they) were chopping, taking of it for themselves.

[3] (Lines 10b-12) As I continued watching, the sun, the moon, and the stars (they) were chopping, taking of it for themselves. I was watching until the swarming things of the earth and the swarming things of the water consumed it. So the water ceased, and it ended.

[4] (Lines 13-15) I turned to see the olive tree, and the olive tree had grown in height! [ ] This continued for many hours, with a bursting forth of many branches [ ] good and beautiful fruit appearing in them. I was pondering this olive tree, and the abundance of its leaves [ ] everything, and tying ropes [ ] onto it. Now I wondered very greatly about this olive tree and its leaves.

[5] (Lines 16-24) I was (still) wondering when [ ] the [four] winds of heaven blowing powerfully and violently against this olive tree, knocking off its branches and breaking it to pieces. First, [ ] a wind swelled up from [ ] west. It struck it, caused its leaves and fruit to fall from it, and scattered it to the winds. And after this a wind swelled up [ ] and a northern wind from [ ] and from its fruit…[ ]

Ends column 13

Chapter 14[]

Fragment from 1 QapGen Column 14

[1] (Lines 1-8) [ ]… its fruit. You were contemplating the wood, an upper part being knocked off from [ ] all of the branches, and all the fruit of the foliage [ ] we know. Look! …[ ].

[2] (Lines 9-10) Now listen and hear! You are the great cedar tree that was standing before you on a mountain top in your dream. And the shoot which emerged from it, grew high, and was rising up to its height [ ] three sons [ ] water from [ ] the earth.

[3] (Line 11) As for the fact that you saw the first shoot adhering to the cedar trunk, note too the one division branching off, and the wood from it…

[4] (Lines 12-13) Now the first son will not separate from you for all of his days, and among his seed your name shall be recalled. From his division all your sons [ ] and in him [ ] the first son shall come forth as a righteous planting for all [ ] the day, and [ ] standing fast forever.

[5] (Line 14) As for the fact that you saw the shoot adhering to the trunk of the cedar tree …[ ].

[6] (Lines 15-16) [ ]… As for the fact that you saw the branch of the last shoot, which [ ] from it [ ] the darkness, and a few of their boughs entering into the midst of the boughs of the first one, (concerns) two sons [ ] branches …[ ].

[7] (Lines 17-18) [ ]… one to the south of the Land and one to the north of the Land. As for the fact that you saw a few of their boughs entering into the midst of the boughs of the first one [ ] of this shoot were settling in his land and all the coastlands [ ] to the Great Sea, and not [ ] they settled in the midst of the coastlands …[ ].

[8] (Lines 19-34) [ ]… to comprehend the mystery, there will be to you an end… you will search [ ] and the mystery [ ] entering into it, and the first one [ ] for himself their every god [ ] which [ ] for himself [ ] in an allotment in Amania, next to Elam [ ] the Great Sea [ ] serve, first, exchanging his allotment for an allotment [ ] by a miracle (supra) [ ] and a seed (supra) [ ] the cedar tree …[ ].

Ends column 14

Chapter 15[]

Fragment from 1 QapGen Column 15

[1] (Lines 1-9) [ ]with evil to all [ ] until there was [ ] the Merciful One to. [ ] from them a profusion of wrongdoing, and settling in your land [ ] the ends of the earth. As for the fact that you saw all of those crying out and turning away, the majority of them will be evil.

[2] (Lines 10-11) As for the fact that you saw [ ] the great warrior coming from the south of the Land, the sickle in his hand and the fire with him, he has crushed all [ ] and the Mighty Lord is the one who will come from the south of the Land …[ ]

[3] (Line 12) [ ] the torches and the evil one. And he threw all the rebellious ones onto the fire[ ] and the pits [ ] were covered, [ ].

[4] (Lines 13-18) As for the fact that you saw (that) they plucked up [ ] south a chain on them, four mighty angels [ ] for them a chain, from all the peoples of the earth who will not have power over [ ] the agitated one because of their conduct, their inadvertent error, their wavering on account of a great blasphemer, and their fruit [ ] such that he may couple this people to himself. He will cut out a great mountain, and from it he will consecrate and separate between [ ] all the peoples, and all of them will be serving them and getting entangled …[ ]

[5] (Lines 19-20) You, Noah, do not be amazed at this dream, and may there not be added upon it [ ]. I have related everything to you in truth, and thus it is written concerning you [ ] and I will join some of your people to you …[ ].

[6] (Lines 21-35) Then I, Noah, awoke from my sleep. The sun rose, and I, Noah, [went] to bless the Everlasting God. And I went to Shem, my son, and related everything to him [ ] the righteous one [ ] "…to make known [ ] to you [ ] to take for yourself the Most High God." …[ ]

Ends column 15

Fragment from Jubilees 7:25-37

[7] (v.25) "And the Lord destroyed everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their (Naphidim) deeds, and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything.

[8] (v.26) 'And we were left, I and you, my sons, and everything that entered with us into the ark, and behold I see your works before me that ye do not walk in righteousness: for in the path of destruction ye have begun to walk, and ye are parting one from another, and are envious one of another, and (so it comes) that ye are not in harmony, my sons, each with his brother.

[9] (v.27) For I see, and behold the demons have begun (their) seductions against you and against your children and now I fear on your behalf, that after my death ye will shed the blood of men upon the earth, and that ye, too, will be destroyed from the face of the earth.

[10] (v.28) For whoso sheddeth man's blood, and whoso eateth the blood of any flesh, shall all be destroyed from the earth.

[11](v.29) And there shall not be left any man that eateth blood, or that sheddeth the blood of man on the earth, Nor shall there be left to him any seed or descendants living under heaven; For into Sheol shall they go, And into the place of condemnation shall they descend, And into the darkness of the deep shall they all be removed by a violent death.

[12] (v.30) There shall be no blood seen upon you of all the blood there shall be all the days in which ye have killed any beasts or cattle or whatever flies upon the earth, and work ye a good work to your souls by covering that which has been shed on the face of the earth.

[13] (v.31) And ye shall not be like him who eats with blood, but guard yourselves that none may eat blood before you: cover the blood, for thus have I been commanded to testify to you and your children, together with all flesh.

[14] (v.32) And suffer not the soul to be eaten with the flesh, that your blood, which is your life, may not be required at the hand of any flesh that sheds (it) on the earth.

[15] (v.33) For the earth will not be clean from the blood which has been shed upon it; for (only) through the blood of him that shed it will the earth be purified throughout all its generations.

[16] (v.34) And now, my children, harken: work judgment and righteousness that ye maybe planted in righteousness over the face of the whole earth, and your glory lifted up before my God, who saved me from the waters of the flood.

[17] (v.35) And behold, ye will go and build for yourselves cities, and plant in them all the plants that are upon the earth, and moreover all fruit-bearing trees.

[18] (v.36) For three years the fruit of everything that is eaten will not be gathered: and in the fourth year its fruit will be accounted holy [and they will offer the first-fruits], acceptable before the Most High God, who created heaven and earth and all things. Let them offer in abundance the first of the wine and oil (as) first-fruits on the altar of the Lord, who receives it, and what is left let the servants of the house of the Lord eat before the altar which receives (it).

[19] (v.37) And in the fifth year make ye the release so that ye release it in righteousness and uprightness, and ye shall be righteous, and all that you plant shall prosper.

[20] (v.38) For thus did Enoch, the father of your father command Methuselah, his son, and Methuselah his son Lamech, and Lamech commanded me all the things which his fathers commanded him.

[21] (v.39) And I also will give you commandment, my sons, as Enoch commanded his son in the first jubilees: whilst still living, the seventh in his generation, he commanded and testified to his son and to his son's sons until the day of his death.'"


1 QapGen Columns 16-17[3]
Jubilees 8:9-9:15[3]
Jubilees 10:1-15*
Chronography of Syncellus[3]

Fragment from 1 QapGen Column 16 (Lines 8-10) [ ]… as a spring in [the gulf to the] west [ ] until it reaches [ ] the source of the Mahaq up to the Tina River. It then passes as a spring the entire length of the land of the north, all of it, until it reaches to (the) source [ ] and up to the land …[ ]

(Line 11) This boundary line crosses the waters of the Great Sea until it reaches Gadera, and …[ ]

(Lines 12-13) And Noah divided (it) by lot for Japheth and his sons to receive as an inheritance forever.

(Line 14) For Shem emerged the second lot, for him and his sons to receive as an inheritance forever,

(Lines 15-25) [ ]… the waters of this Tina River emerge, until [ ] up to the Tina River, which [ ] the Maeota Sea, which reaches the gulf of the Great Salt Sea. And this boundary goes as a spring from this gulf, [ ] up to the gulf of the sea that faces toward Egypt. It then passes [ ] until it reaches the allotment of [ ] to the east …[ ].

(Lines 26-35) And for Ham there emerged the third share [ ] to inherit for him and his sons forever [ ] up to the Gihon River [ ] reaches to the south …[ ].

Ends Column 16

Fragment from 1 QapGen Column 17 (Lines 6-7) [And] Shem divided his portion between his sons. There fell first to Elam (an area) in the north, along the waters of the Tigris River, until it reaches the Erythrean Sea, to its source which is in the north.

(Line 8) And after him (there fell) to Asshur (the area) toward the west, until it reaches the Tigris …[ ].

(Line 9) And after him (there fell) to Aram the land that is between the two rivers until it reaches the peak of Mount Ararat, at this settlement.

(Lines 10-11) And after him to Lud [ ] fell this Mount Taurus. This portion passes to the west until it reaches Magog; everything along the [ ] gulf that is by the Eastern Sea, in the north, adjoining this gulf – that which is above the three portions to [the] its south.

(Line 12) For Arpachshad [ ] until it reaches to [ ] which turns to the south; the entire land irrigated by the Euphrates,

Lines (13-15) And all [ ] of the valleys and the plains that are between them, and the coastlands that are within this gulf; [ ] until it reaches [ ] to Amana, which abuts Mount Ararat, and (from) Amana until it reaches the Euphrates [ ] until it reaches [ ] the portion that Noah, his father, divided for him and gave to him.

(Lines 16-17) [And] Japheth divided between his sons. First, he gave to Gomer (an area) in the north, until it reaches the Tina River. And after him (he gave) to Magog, and after him to Madai, and after him to Yavan; all the islands that are alongside Lud, and between the gulf that is next to Lud and the second gulf.

(Lines 18-21) To Tubal (he gave) that which is across [the] second gulf. To Meshech… [ ]. To [Tiras] (he gave) four islands, and up to the [ ] next to it, within [the Sea that reaches alongside to the portion of the sons of Ham…

(Lines 22-24) [ ]… the sons of Noah divided their allotments between their sons …[ ]

Ends Column 17

Chapter 8[]

Fragment from Jubilees 8:10-30

(10) And it came to pass in the beginning of the thirty-third jubilee [1569 A.M.] that they divided the earth into three parts, for Shem and Ham and Japheth, according to the inheritance of each, in the first year in the first week, when one of us who had been sent, was with them.

(11) And he called his sons, and they drew nigh to him, they and their children, and he divided the earth into the lots, which his three sons were to take in possession, and they reached forth their hands, and took the writing out of the bosom of Noah, their father.

(12) And there came forth on the writing as Shem's lot the middle of the earth which he should take as an inheritance for himself and for his sons for the generations of eternity, from the middle of the mountain range of Rafa, from the mouth of the water from the river Tina, and his portion goes towards the west through the midst of this river, and it extends till it reaches the water of the abysses, out of which this river goes forth and pours its waters into the sea Me'at, and this river flows into the great sea. And all that is towards the north is Japheth's, and all that is towards the south belongs to Shem.

(13) And it extends till it reaches Karaso: this is in the bosom of the tongue which looks towards the south.

(14) And his portion extends along the great sea, and it extends in a straight line till it reaches the west of the tongue which looks towards the south: for this sea is named the tongue of the Egyptian Sea.

(15) And it turns from here towards the south towards the mouth of the great sea on the shore of (its) waters, and it extends to the west to 'Afra, and it extends till it reaches the waters of the river Gihon, and to the south of the waters of Gihon, to the banks of this river.

(16) And it extends towards the east, till it reaches the Garden of Eden, to the south thereof, [to the south] and from the east of the whole land of Eden and of the whole east, it turns to the east and proceeds till it reaches the east of the mountain named Rafa, and it descends to the bank of the mouth of the river Tina.

(17) This portion came forth by lot for Shem and his sons, that they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.

(18) And Noah rejoiced that this portion came forth for Shem and for his sons, and he remembered all that he had spoken with his mouth in prophecy; for he had said: 'Blessed be the Lord God of Shem And may the Lord dwell in the dwelling of Shem.'

(19) And he knew that the Garden of Eden is the holy of holies, and the dwelling of the Lord, and Mount Sinai the centre of the desert, and Mount Zion -the centre of the navel of the earth: these three were created as holy places facing each other.

(20) And he blessed the God of gods, who had put the word of the Lord into his mouth, and the Lord for evermore.

(21) And he knew that a blessed portion and a blessing had come to Shem and his sons unto the generations for ever -the whole land of Eden and the whole land of the Red Sea, and the whole land of the east and India, and on the Red Sea and the mountains thereof, and all the land of Bashan, and all the land of Lebanon and the islands of Kaftur, and all the mountains of Sanir and 'Amana, and the mountains of Asshur in the north, and all the land of Elam, Asshur, and Babel, and Susan and Ma'edai, and all the mountains of Ararat, and all the region beyond the sea, which is beyond the mountains of Asshur towards the north, a blessed and spacious land, and all that is in it is very good.

(22) And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards the south to the right of the Garden, and it extends towards the south and it extends to all the mountains of fire, and it extends towards the west to the sea of 'Atel and it extends towards the west till it reaches the sea of Ma'uk -that (sea) into which everything which is not destroyed descends.

(23) And it goes forth towards the north to the limits of Gadir, and it goes forth to the coast of the waters of the sea to the waters of the great sea till it draws near to the river Gihon, and goes along the river Gihon till it reaches the right of the Garden of Eden.

(24) And this is the land which came forth for Ham as the portion which he was to occupy for ever for himself and his sons unto their generations for ever.

(25) And for Japheth came forth the third portion beyond the river Tina to the north of the outflow of its waters, and it extends north- easterly to the whole region of Gog, and to all the country east thereof.

(26) And it extends northerly to the north, and it extends to the mountains of Qelt towards the north, and towards the sea of Ma'uk, and it goes forth to the east of Gadir as far as the region of the waters of the sea.

(27) And it extends until it approaches the west of Fara and it returns towards 'Aferag, and it extends easterly to the waters of the sea of Me'at.

(28) And it extends to the region of the river Tina in a north-easterly direction until it approaches the boundary of its waters towards the mountain Rafa, and it turns round towards the north.

(29) This is the land which came forth for Japheth and his sons as the portion of his inheritance which he should possess for himself and his sons, for their generations for ever; five great islands, and a great land in the north.

(30) But it is cold, and the land of Ham is hot, and the land of Shem is neither hot nor cold, but it is of blended cold and heat.

Chapter 9[]

Fragment from Jubilees Chapter 9

(1) And Ham divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east, and to the west of him for Mizraim, and to the west of him for Put, and to the west of him [and to the west thereof] on the sea for Canaan.

(2) And Shem also divided amongst his sons, and the first portion came forth for Ham and his sons, to the east of the river Tigris till it approachcs the east, the whole land of India, and on the Red Sea on its coast, and the waters of Dedan, and all the mountains of Mebri and Ela, and all the land of Susan and all that is on the side of Pharnak to the Red Sea and the river Tina.

(3) And for Asshur came forth the second Portion, all the land of Asshur and Nineveh and Shinar and to the border of India, and it ascends and skirts the river.

(4) And for Arpachshad came forth the third portion, all the land of the region of the Chaldees to the east of the Euphrates, bordering on the Red Sea, and all the waters of the desert close to the tongue of the sea which looks towards Egypt, all the land of Lebanon and Sanir and 'Amana to the border of the Euphrates.

(5) And for Aram there came forth the fourth portion, all the land of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates to the north of the Chaldees to the border of the mountains of Asshur and the land of 'Arara.

(6) And there came forth for Lud the fifth portion, the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea, and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother.

(7) And Japheth also divided the land of his inheritance amongst his sons.

(8) And the first portion came forth for Gomer to the east from the north side to the river Tina; and in the north there came forth for Magog all the inner portions of the north until it reaches to the sea of Me'at.

(9) And for Madai came forth as his portion that he should posses from the west of his two brothers to the islands, and to the coasts of the islands.

(10) And for Javan came forth the fourth portion every island and the islands which are towards the border of Lud.

(11) And for Tubal there came forth the fifth portion in the midst of the tongue which approaches towards the border of the portion of Lud to the second tongue, to the region beyond the second tongue unto the third tongue.

(12) And for Meshech came forth the sixth portion, all the region beyond the third tongue till it approaches the east of Gadir.

(13) And for Tiras there came forth the seventh portion, four great islands in the midst of the sea, which reach to the portion of Ham [and the islands of Kamaturi came out by lot for the sons of Arpachshad as his inheritance].

(14) And thus the sons of Noah divided unto their sons in the presence of Noah their father, and he bound them all by an oath, imprecating a curse on every one that sought to seize the portion which had not fallen (to him) by his lot.

(15) And they all said, 'So be it; so be it ' for themselves and their sons for ever throughout their generations till the day of judgment, on which the Lord God shall judge them with a sword and with fire for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, wherewith they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin.

Chapter 10[]

Fragment from Jubilees 10:1-15

[1] And in the third week of this jubilee the unclean demons began to lead astray the children of the sons of Noah, and to make to err and destroy them.

[2] And the sons of Noah came to Noah their father, and they told him concerning the demons which were leading astray and blinding and slaying his sons' sons.

[3] And he prayed before the Lord his God, and said:

'God of the spirits of all flesh, who hast shown mercy unto me
And hast saved me and my sons from the waters of the flood,
And hast not caused me to perish as Thou didst the sons of perdition;
For Thy grace has been great towards me,
And great has been Thy mercy to my soul;
Let Thy grace be lift up upon my sons,
And let not wicked spirits rule over them
Lest they should destroy them from the earth.

[4] But do Thou bless me and my sons, that we may increase and Multiply and replenish the earth.

[5] And Thou knowest how Thy Watchers, the fathers of these spirits, acted in my day: and as for these spirits which are living, imprison them and hold them fast in the place of condemnation, and let them not bring destruction on the sons of thy servant, my God; for these are malignant, and created in order to destroy.

[6] And let them not rule over the spirits of the living; for Thou alone canst exercise dominion over them. And let them not have power over the sons of the righteous from henceforth and for evermore.'

[7] And the Lord our God bade us to bind all.

[8] And the chief of the spirits, Mastema, came and said: 'Lord, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them harken to my voice, and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men.'

[9] And He said: Let the tenth part of them remain before him, and let nine parts descend into the place of condemnation.'

[10] And one of us He commanded that we should teach Noah all their medicines; for He knew that they would not walk in uprightness, nor strive in righteousness.

[11] And we did according to all His words: all the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemnation and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth.

[12] And we explained to Noah all the medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he might heal them with herbs of the earth.

[13] And Noah wrote down all things in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. Thus the evil spirits were precluded from (hurting) the sons of Noah.

[14] And he gave all that he had written to Shem, his eldest son; for he loved him exceedingly above all his sons.

[15] And Noah slept with his fathers, and was buried on Mount Lubar in the land of Ararat.


  1. 1QNoah, cf. DJD 1, pp. 84-86, 152, pl. XVI.
  2. Cf. J. Starcky, 'Cave 4 of Qumran,' BA 19 [1956] 94-96.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Martínez, Florentino G. (1992) Qumran and a Apocalyptic: Studies on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran, BRILL, 9789004095861, p.43-44

Further reading[]

  • William Adler, Paul Tuffin, translators. The chronography of George Synkellos: a Byzantine chronicle of universal history from the creation, Oxford University Press, 2002.